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Own Your Time

  • 60 Steps


This self-paced online programme will help you own your time so you get to focus on what matters most to you. In simple and clear steps, the programme takes you on a journey from uncovering and identifying your true priorities to developing habits, routines and rituals that serve you best. You'll also have access to a private group so you can learn from other participants in the programme. Depending on how much time you have to do the activities, this programme can take from a few weeks to a few months to complete. What matters is that you go at your own pace. Align the Dots will host live workshops on an ad hoc basis free of access to all programme participants. You will learn how to: * Evaluate where your time and energy goes * Identify your true priorities * Use practical tools to simplify your life * Develop a healthy relationship with your phone * Develop habits, routines and rituals that serve you * And overall, be more organised without losing out on the joy of the unpredictable This programme is especially for you who: * Feel time is running away from you and you don’t know why * Spend more time on other people’s priorities rather than your own * Feel drained and overwhelmed * Have a hard time to say no and set boundaries * Spends a lot of time on your phone even though you don’t intend to

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




Group Discussion

This program is connected to a group. You’ll be added once you join the program.

Own Your Time

Own Your Time

Private 1 Member
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